Title: Anita Anand: A Trailblazing Journalist and Author

Anita Anand is an award-winning journalist, author, and broadcaster, with a career spanning over 20 years. She hails from a family of strong female figures, including her mother who was a civil rights activist and her grandmother who was a freedom fighter in India. This background has greatly influenced Anand’s passion for writing and her determination to shine a light on lesser-known stories and individuals.

Anand is best known for her work as a radio and television presenter for the BBC, where she has covered a wide range of topics and issues, from politics and current affairs to women’s rights and social justice. She has also written for numerous publications, including The Guardian and The Sunday Times, and has authored several books.

One of her most acclaimed works is “Sophia: Princess, Suffragette, Revolutionary,” a biography of Sophia Duleep Singh, a forgotten figure in British history who played a significant role in the women’s suffrage movement. The book received widespread critical acclaim and earned Anand the 2015 New Delhi Television book award.

Anand’s passion for amplifying unheard voices is also evident in her debut novel, “The Patient Assassin,” which tells the true story of a young Indian man who sought revenge for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919. The novel was

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